Ciaras Black Panther Halloween Costume Is Perfect


Ciaras Black Panther Halloween Costume Is Perfect

Just because Halloween has come and gone doesn't mean we can't still appreciate the costumes people wore on October 31, particularly celebrities. Take singer Ciara, for example. For this Halloween, which follows eight months after Black Panther's release, she decided to dress up as a citizen of the technologically-advanced nation of Wakanda, as you'll see below.

Those are some nice-looking threads! Ciara's costume isn't a recreation of the clothes worn by the Wakandan royals or Dora Milaje in Black Panther, but the costume nonetheless makes her look like she belongs among T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Nakia and the rest of the Black Panther gang. I could imagine Ciara using vibranium technology while wearing that costume.

As Ciara mentioned in her Twitter post, she had help putting this costume together, so props to the people who helped her out. No doubt many a gaze was turned towards Ciara at whatever party or get-together she attended for Halloween. Who knows, maybe there will even be another occasion for her to bust out this outfit? At the premiere of Black Panther 2 perhaps?

Speaking of the sequel, while primarily known as a singer, Ciara also does have a little acting experience under her belt, such as the 2012 Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg-led comedy That's My Boy. I can't imagine she would score a lead role in Black Panther 2, but maybe there could be an opportunity for her to cameo.

After being introduced in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, T'Challa returned to the MCU this past February to lead his own standalone movie. Although some action took place in the United States and South Korea, the majority of Black Panther was set in Wakanda, which T'Challa became king of at the beginning of the movie, but then had his crown snatched away by Erik "Killmonger" Stevens, born N'Jadaka. In the end, T'Challa seized back the throne, but at the end of Black Panther decided to finally reveal Wakanda's true nature to the world.

Along with earning critical acclaim during its theatrical run, Black Panther also proved itself to be a commercial powerhouse, making over $1.3 billion worldwide. T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye and M'Baku all returned for Avengers: Infinity War a few months later, although T'Challa was unfortunately among the unlucky half of the universe dusted by Thanos.

However, Avengers 4 is expected to undo that genocide (somehow), so eventually T'Challa will be back among the living. With Ryan Coogler returning to write and direct Black Panther 2, we'll be spending a lot more time in Wakanda and learning about its culture and history.

Keep checking back with CinemaBlend for all the biggest updates concerning the Black Panther corner of the MCU. You can also learn what else this superhero franchise has in development by browsing through our Marvel movies guide.

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