Mark Hamill Had The Best Response To Fake Star Wars Toy


Mark Hamill Had The Best Response To Fake Star Wars Toy

You gotta hand it to Mark Hamill when it comes to bad Star Wars puns. He keeps his dad joke A-game in peak condition -- see the Star Wars: Episode IX "trailer" he posted. But he didn't like that the joke was on Luke Skywalker with a Lego Star Wars toy featuring his missing hand.

Here's what Mark Hamill dubbed the #WorstToyEVER:

Of course he couldn't resist adding another hand pun with #LegoOfMyHand.

Plenty of people told Mark Hamill it wasn't a real toy -- apparently all you had to do was look up the Lego number -- but at least one fan disagreed that it was the worst toy. That fan was treated to a classic Star Wars reply from Luke himself:

See? Luke did listen to Obi-Wan on occasion.

A few fans replied with other fake Star Wars toys out there, and some of them are just so wonderfully wrong you have to wish Lucasfilm really did sell them:

I love this look at George Lucas and all of his money:

Star Wars fans would buy all of that, even just as gag gifts.

Mark Hamill does have a great sense of humor and heart about all things Star Wars. Without Carrie Fisher, and without Harrison Ford's Han Solo after Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Hamill is pretty much carrying the entire old school load himself. He still has Anthony Daniels as C-3PO in Star Wars: Episode IX and he'll get an assist from Billy Dee Williams as Lando in the 2019 movie too. But we're all sad that Luke, Leia, and Han won't really get to be together on screen again.

J.J. Abrams is keeping a tight lock on Star Wars: Episode IX secrets, but that trailer is probably coming very soon. The film's title and trailer may even come our way as soon as this week through Star Wars Celebration 2019, which is being held April 11-15 in Chicago.

Star Wars: Episode IX opens in theaters December 20, 2019 as one of the many films worth keeping an eye on through our 2019 movie release date schedule.

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