Aladdin Actor Tries Not To Slack Off After Being Called 'Hot Jafar'

Aladdin Actor Tries Not To Slack Off After Being Called 'Hot Jafar'

A Disney remake is bound to draw reactions of all sorts when its announced. That being said, no one could have predicted how fans anticipating director Guy Ritchies big ticket blockbuster would dub actor Marwan Kenzaris interpretation of Aladdins famous villain as Hot Jafar.

With such a title comes certain expectations, especially when you have a co-star like Will Smith busting your chops for what you wear to a premiere. Decked out for the L.A. premiere of Aladdin in a classic black tuxedo, Marwan Kenzari gave his adoring public the following message:

Thanks guys, I think of you. Its very kind I do my best as you can see to keep [Hot Jafar] up. I cannot slack.

Marwan Kenzari has certainly lost the right to slack, as Aladdin has not only shown him what internet fandom looks like, but also what successful premiere attire looks like as well. And that is partially because of the films London premiere, which saw Will Smith and Guy Ritchie both making comments on Kenzaris more subdued look for Aladdins regional bow, that the actor is paying more attention to his look.

For comparison, take a look at the side by side photos below, with Marwan Kenzaris London outfit on the left, and his L.A. outfit on the right:

While ET Online started out with the question of how Marwan Kenzaris been responding to his duties as Hot Jafar, a charismatic ambush from Will Smith during their red carpet interview triggered the discussion of what to wear to an event as big as the premiere of a major motion picture. While its important to be impartial, the tuxedo look on Kenzari is undoubtedly the killer.

As Aladdin opened to an $86 million weekend, going by the standard weekend timeframe as opposed to an extended Memorial Day weekend, the fans are still in the mood to see the Disney brand of magic make its way into a more live-action friendly context. That's something that even the villainous Jafar could smile about, when you think about where his story ends up in the animated canon.

Rest assured, should another Aladdin film find its way to a green light over at Disney, Marwan Kenzari is now fully briefed as to how he should work the red carpet in the future. And classic tuxedos are probably only the start, as any further action could see him mix it up with red and black outfits that hew closer to his infamous characters color scheme. The skys the limit at this point.

Aladdin is currently in theaters now; but if youve already taken that trip to a whole new world, you can see what else is in store for this year with the 2019 release schedule.

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What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3

What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3

When getting into gear for a third entry in a series as kinetic and hard-edged as John Wick has been, a lot of effort has to go into what makes each film a bar raising spectacle. In the case of John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum, star Keanu Reeves and the team backing him had a lot of specifics in mind when it came to making sure this latest sequel would top John Wick: Chapter 2 in all the right ways.

During a press day for the film, CinemaBlend was on hand to hear exactly what Reeves and company had hoped to accomplish from their latest venture into the underworld of assassins and honor bound codes that make John Wicks world so satisfying to revisit with each outing. Specifically, after learning John Wick: Chapter 3 was greenlighted, Keanu Reeves mentioned there were specific goals for this third film, saying,

The most exciting part was, first of all, [being] grateful that we had the chance to come back to it and tell another chapter. Yeah, I mean, we had a lot of hope and ambition, and we wanted to do a lot. You know, we wanted to open up the scale, the worlds of John Wick. We wanted to different kinds of action, but also raise the bar on the traditional kind of John Wick action, Gun-Fu.

While the world that John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum expands could go on forever and sequel ideas are theoretically limitless, more movies are not always a given. So, having a third time out is a thrilling prospect in and of itself, because director Chad Stahelski and star Keanu Reeves get another chance to outdo themselves in the name of audience satisfaction.

Judging not only by the audience reaction to the John Wick series, but also the results that John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum have brought to the table, that satisfaction seems pretty much guaranteed on both ends. So, this universes plans to expand outward into various mediums, such as the TV series The Continental, as well as any potential film sequels and spinoffs, dont seem like premature hopes but rather prudent plans for the future.

At the heart of it all though is that gratitude for the fans that made John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum possible, as well as thanks to those who helped in the filmmaking process as well. Keanu Reeves wasnt shy to express that sentiment, as he continued with the following during CinemaBlend's interview:

It was exciting to get into preparing for it. It was exciting to do it, wonderful new artists in the show: Halle Berry, Anjelica Huston, Mark Dacascos, Asia Kate Dillon. And characters we love [coming] back: Laurence Fishburne, the Bowery King, Ian McShanes Winston. There was excitement everywhere.

Its hard not to be enthusiastic about the world of John Wick, as its brought a new level of action filmmaking and stunt work to the attention of the world at large. On top of that, the franchises mixture of neo-noir storytelling alongside those aspects have made it into a gust of fresh air that knocks down tons of rival assassins when it arrives in theaters.

You can even feel that excitement of Keanu Reeves describing the efforts that went into making John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum a next level action spectacular, courtesy of the clip were sharing below from our sit down with Mr. Reeves:

Of course, that excitement needs to spill out into the crowd, especially if John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum wants to compete with the box office hopefuls of this weekend, in the hopes of another return for future glory in its extremely wicked and colorful world. Whether theres an official greenlight for more down the line or not, its good to know that whenever the call goes out, Keanu Reeves is ready to work with his famed collaborators, and anyone new who wants to jump in, to take John Wick deeper into the world he inhabits.

John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum prepares for war, in the name of peace, in early showings on Thursday night. And stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more coverage leading up to the films release in theaters.

Home/Entertainment News/ What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3 Entertainment News What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3
Keanu Reeves Recalls Preparing For 'John Wick 3' By Acting In

May 31, 2019 · Keanu Reeves is commonly referred to as a "bad actor". But really he brings a unique gravitas to the screen that has made his films—including the John Wick series—wildly successful.
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What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick

Jun 19, 2019 · Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3' Lionsgate. I joked last summer, while Hobbs & Shaw was presumably in production, that I hoped that Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham had some kind of wager
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LOS ANGELES—Describing his process for bringing the assassin character to life, Keanu Reeves explained to reporters Thursday how he prepared for the title role in John Wick: Chapter 3—Parabellum by acting in the two previous John Wick movies.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum - CINEMABLEND

During a press day for the film, CinemaBlend was on hand to hear exactly what Reeves and company had hoped to accomplish from their latest venture into the underworld of assassins and honor bound codes that make John Wick's world so satisfying to revisit with each outing.
What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick
In the case of John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum, star Keanu Reeves and the team […] What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3 - Celeb Gossip And Entertiment News 21 minutes ago When getting into gear for a third entry in a series as kinetic and hard-edged as John Wick has been, a lot of effort has to go into
Celeb Gossip News - What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To
During a press day for the film, CinemaBlend was on hand to hear exactly what Reeves and company had hoped to accomplish from their latest venture into the underworld of assassins and honor bound codes that make John Wick's world so satisfying to revisit with each outing.
What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick

John Wick: Chapter 3 - May 2019 01-19-2019, 10:39 AM Super-Assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is on the run after killing a member of the international assassin's guild, and with a $14 million price tag on his head - he is the target of hit men and women everywhere.

In the case of John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum, star Keanu Reeves and the team backing him had a lot of specifics in mind when it came to making sure this latest sequel would top John Wick
What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum had a lot of buzz going into its opening weekend. It looks like it's paid off in spades. What Keanu Reeves Really Hoped To Accomplish With John Wick: Chapter 3.
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Why Avengers: Endgame Cant Really Be Affected By The Captain Marvel Movie

Why Avengers: Endgame Cant Really Be Affected By The Captain Marvel Movie

The way that Marvel Studios maps out its releases, there are very few coincidences, but more than a few happy accidents. For example, Spider-Man (Tom Holland) was only inserted into Captain America: Civil War after it was known that Sony would share the rights to the character, which also led to Spider-Man: Homecoming.

But contrary to popular belief, the current MCU blockbuster, Captain Marvel, cant really have as big of an impact on this months Avengers: Endgame, for a very specific reason: Namely, Joe and Anthony Russo planned out and actually shot the bulk of Endgame long before Marvel even told them that there was going to BE a Captain Marvel movie.

The Russos basically filmed Endgame and Infinity War back to back, and so when we recently spoke with Anthony and asked him if the response to Anna Boden and Ryan Flecks Captain Marvel was encouraging, he honestly explained:

Part of the thing that I've always loved about Marvel, my brother and I have really appreciated it, is that Marvel has had this whole attitude of One movie at a time. They want every movie to be everything it can be when its time for that movie to be made. And then once it's made, you carry the story forward from there. And it's been really effective. Obviously by now, because Marvel is making more movies per year, and because we made these two movies back to back, we couldn't really use that process at this point.So the truth is we made these movies long before we could appreciate anything about [Captain Marvel]. Certainly not even how the audiences would react to Captain Marvel in her own standalone film. We had to make these movie before the idea of that film even exists. So our approach to the storytelling in regards to that character was just coming very specifically from the needs of this story.

People might not realize that Joe and Anthony Russo filmed a lot of Avengers: Infinity War and the continuation, which would become Avengers: Endgame, at the same time. In fact, when CinemaBlend traveled to the set of the movies in Atlanta years ago, we learned about scenes that we never saw in Infinity War, and many people on set for those days were never 100% sure what movie they were filming at any given time.

So from the sound of it, the Russos always knew that they were going to have Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) in Endgame, but didnt know at all how her movie would set her up, or be received, when they filmed her parts years ago. I brought up to Anthony Russo that this sounds similar to them using Wakanda as a key location in Infinity War, long before audiences saw the movie Black Panther. But he clarified:

Back then, it was easier because we launched that character in Civil War. We had already begun, with our partners Markus and McFeely on the writing side, sort of creating and tracking that narrative forward. Certainly, what the Black Panther film with Ryan Coogler brought to that was a great surprise to us, and a thrill for us. But that was a little easier in the sense that we already had deep roots in that character on a narrative level.

Thankfully, for Marvel Studios, most audiences are gravitating toward Carol Danvers, and are digging Captain Marvel. Her movie has grossed nearly $1 billion at the global box office, and audiences are ready to see her fighting alongside the Avengers as they get vengeance on Thanos (Josh Brolin). But the current movie had no effect on the planning on Endgame, and now you know the reason why.

Avengers: Endgame will be in theaters on April 26, and as of today, you can buy your tickets, so go get them, now!

Finally! Someone said it. Yes. Endgame is over-rated. A lot. Like everyone else, I was really hyped up for Endgame (seeing how it's the end of an era and all that).
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Why Captain Marvel's Avengers: Endgame Screen is prominently featured in every single poster for the movie and gets a fair share amount of screen time in every released trailer, her
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I hardly think so. Endgame is the finale. It is the conclusion to the first phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's the ending. The culmination. the peroration to all of the above movies.

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Why Avengers: Endgame Can't Really Be Affected By The Captain

Avengers: Endgame is earning crazy money at the worldwide box office - but apparently, it had to spend quite a bit of money to make that money. In a new breakdown of Avengers: Endgame by the film
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But contrary to popular belief, the current MCU blockbuster, Captain Marvel, can't really have as big of an impact on this month's Avengers: Endgame, for a very specific reason: Namely, Joe
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All of this is just to say that, yes, you absolutely should watch Captain Marvel before watching Endgame. You won't be lost if you can't, but this character has just begun to leave her mark on the
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Avengers: Endgame is a 2019 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2012's The Avengers , 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron , and 2018's Avengers: Infinity War , and the twenty-second film in the Marvel
Is Avengers: Endgame the last Avengers movie? - Quora

But contrary to popular belief, the current MCU blockbuster, Captain Marvel, can't really have as big of an impact on this month's Avengers: Endgame, for a very specific reason: Namely, Joe and Anthony Russo planned out and actually shot the bulk of Endgame long before Marvel even told them that there was going to BE a Captain Marvel movie.
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Doctor Sleep: An Updated Cast List

Doctor Sleep: An Updated Cast List

The Shining sequel Doctor Sleep has wrapped production and it won't be long until the world gets to see the next chapter of a story that's been lauded with high acclaim over the years. The legacy of Stephen King's novel and its adaptation by Stanley Kubrick will ensure many eyes are on Doctor Sleep when it hits theaters.

Though audiences today seem to love a Stephen King adaptation, it's understandable if Doctor Sleep's development got lost among the sea of various projects currently in the works in Hollywood. For those who don't know, this movie has a cast to be excited about, so hop on down below and see who all is involved, and what roles they'll be playing in this latest adaptation. First up here's Danny!

Ewan McGregor As Danny TorranceIconic actor Ewan McGregor is stepping into the shoes of Danny Torrance decades after the events in The Shining. Danny is now Dan, and while he's survived his childhood, he's inherited some of his father's worst traits in adulthood. Dan eventually conquers his demons, and uses his regained psychic abilities to comfort patients. This earned him the nickname of "Doctor Sleep," and eventually intertwines his fate with that of a girl with powers similar to his.

Rebecca Ferguson As Rose The HatMission: Impossible Fallout and The Girl On The Train actress Rebecca Ferguson is back in Doctor Sleep, and playing a very important role opposite of McGregor's Dan. Rose The Hat is the leader of a group called The True Knot, which is comprised of a group of individuals with unique abilities. Without getting too deep into spoilers, this group is bad news and will cause some problems for Danny boy in the movie.

Kyliegh Curran As Abra StoneKyliegh Curran is a relative newcomer to Hollywood set to take on a key role in Doctor Sleep. Curran plays Abra Stone, a young girl who psychically links with Dan and, unfortunately, becomes aware of The True Knot. With the group setting her in its crosshairs, Dan will do all he can in order to protect the girl? Will he succeed? Remember this is a Stephen King work, so the safety of children is never guaranteed.

Bruce Greenwood As Dr. John DaltonNot long after he played a key supporting role in the Stephen King adaptation of Gerald's Game, Bruce Greenwood is again a part of the author's film universe in Doctor Sleep. Greenwood portrays Dr. John Dalton, one of the people in the novel to whom Dan first reveals his connection with Abra. The quiet intensity Greenwood can bring to roles is great for King works in general, so he should be an excellent addition to the cast.

Zahn McClarnon As Crow DaddyZahn McClarnon was a great enforcer in FX's Fargo, so it's no surprise he's found his way into Doctor Sleep as another dangerous man to look out for. McClarnon plays Crow Daddy, right hand man to Rose The Hand and lover in the novels. Given this work is supposed to be a faithful novel adaptation, there's no reason to believe that will change.

Emily Alyn Lind As Snakebite AndiIf that character name wasn't any indication, Emily Alyn Lind's Snakebite Andi is a member of the The True Knot who will cause some problems for Dan and Abra. Like them and other members of The True Knot, she has a unique ability she can use on others to lull them to sleep. With an ability like that, are we sure Danny is the one who should have that nickname?

Carl Lumbly As Dick HalloranProlific film and television actor Carl Lumbly is a part of Doctor Sleep, and will step into the shoes of another character that was around during The Shining. For those who don't recognize the name Dick Halloran, he was the Overlook's chef who also had abilities. Dick has actually appeared as a character in quite a few Stephen King works over the years, so it's possible other nods to King works could happen via him.

Alex Essoe As Wendy TorranceAlex Essoe will play the role of Wendy Torrance, a role made iconic by Shelley Duvall. The actress is involved in Doctor Sleep's moments in the past, so she'll probably be seen with Dick Halloran. I'm assuming she'll be in scenes with a young Danny Torrance as well. Essoe bears a resemblance to Duvall, and I'd personally love to see one or two of The Shining's iconic scenes recreated in a dream or something just to compare the two performances.

Jocelin DonahueJocelin Donahue is no stranger to horror films, and has been in features such as Insidious: Chapter 2, The House of The Devil and others. Donahue's role has not been officially announced, although there are some sites out there listing her role as the mother of Abra, Lucy. Provided that's legitimate, that's a big character who will help bridge the gap between the original film and the sequel.

Jacob TremblayOne of Hollywood's most in-demand and talented child actors is involved in Doctor Sleep, and will be playing a mystery role. Many have speculated Tremblay will play a young Danny Torrance, which wouldn't be surprising considering that's who 90% of Americans would cast in the role if we were fantasy casting for a reboot of The Shining. If Tremblay does end up playing Danny, let's hope he does at least one finger wag and "redrum" for nostalgia's sake.

*Zackary Momoh*Seven Seconds standout Zackary Momoh has been added to Doctor Sleep in a role that has yet to be revealed. With his role undefined, there's really no clear guess as to who he may be playing. Whoever he's playing, expect an emotional performance and this role to potentially be the start of a much larger career in Hollywood.

*Carel Struycken*Famous character actor Carel Struycken is a part of Doctor Sleep, with some outlets alleging he'll play the role of Grandpa Flick. In Doctor Sleep, Flick gets his nickname for being the oldest member of The True Knot. His presence more or less is the catalyst for the The True Knot to spring into action, although his role is ultimately not that large.

As mentioned, Doctor Sleep has wrapped production, and is expected in theaters November 8. For more on the film, be sure to read up on Ewan McGregor's thoughts on the project, and the one person he's hoping is pleased with he and the cast's effort.

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