Why The LEGO Movie 2 Didn't Work At The Box Office

Why The LEGO Movie 2 Didn't Work At The Box Office

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part won the weekend's box office, but it wasn't pretty. The film took the number one spot, but only with a little over $34 million. This was well down from the $55 million the film was expected to bring in just a few weeks ago. This was a sequel to a well-loved and very successful film. So, what happened?

While the reviews of The LEGO Movie 2 have been down slightly compared to the original, the original had near perfect reviews and the sequel is only trailing behind slightly, so the actual quality of the film doesn't seem to be the issue. Instead, there are a number of other factors that lead to this unfortunate circumstance. None of these issues are a problem in and of themselves, but each stacks on the others to create a serious problem at the box office.

Too Many LEGO MoviesWhile The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part may be the first direct sequel to the original LEGO Movie, it is actually the fourth theatrical release of the LEGO franchise, and four movies in five years is actually kind of a lot. While I don't usually hold to the idea that franchise fatigue is a thing, people will go see any movie if they think it will be good, and again, that's not the sole problem here, but the additional LEGO movies failed to deliver what the original did and may have diluted the franchise.

While The LEGO Movie and The LEGO Batman Movie were largely both critical and commercial successes, The LEGO Ninjago movie, which came out the same year as LEGO Batman had a harder time finding an audience. Even Batman, while it was a fun movie with a great character from the original LEGO Movie, was a much better film if you were a fan of the Batman franchise than if you were a fan of the LEGO franchise. It has simultaneously been a long time since we've seen these characters in a movie, and perhaps not long enough since we've seen a LEGO movie at all, for people to get excited again.

Lackluster MarketingThe issue that this was yet another LEGO Movie could have been overcome if the promotion of The LEGO Movie 2 gave us anything more to sink our teeth into beyond "hey, it's that movie you liked...again," but that didn't happen. The marketing felt like it was on autopilot. It didn't feel like it was promoting a major franchise film, it felt like it was just another movie. There was no reason given for the audience to rush out and see it. Good reviews help, but they won't draw an audience in all by themselves.

It seems that in the era of social media, the idea that a big brand "sells itself" has gained traction, but the fact is that's simply not the case. If LEGO is going to be its own franchise, then The LEGO Movie sequels need to feel like they're the Avengers of this particular cinematic universe. The marketing push behind The LEGO Movie 2 didn't make this direct sequel feel like it was any more special than The LEGO Ninjago Movie, and if the audience doesn't feel like they need to be sure to see the movie, they're not going to bother.

The Box Office Has Just Sorta SuckedOne problem that The LEGO Movie 2 is having to deal with is one that isn't the film's fault at all. The box office has been having a rough time all year. Box office revenue is down 14% compared to this time last year. There just hasn't been anything that has excited people to go to the movies. There was hope that The LEGO Movie 2 might be that film, but it seems that it actually needed something else to get the ball rolling first.

12 months ago, it was hold overs from December that kept people going to the movies. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and The Greatest Showman all were still doing well, putting up around $100 million a piece just in 2018. Today, only Aquaman has been able to match that feat, and only one movie that's opened this year, Glass, has been able to do the same. Part of what makes the summer movie season work is the momentum of people who plan to go to the movies during that period. While release dates play less importance than they once did, that momentum has been largely stalled this year. Going to the movies just isn't what people are doing with their weekends right now.

Sequels Aren't Automatically A SuccessWe continually lament the state of Hollywood and all of the perpetual sequels and franchises that are being built. If any movie does reasonably well at the box office, it seems that the cinematic universe won't be far behind. In the case of The LEGO Movie, that seems to be exactly what happened. There isn't actually anything wrong with that as far as it goes, a sequel would seem to have a built in audience, but that isn't always the case.

For every sequel that surpasses the box office success of the original, there are several more that come up short. Sometimes a movie's success would seem to indicate that an audience really wanted to see what they were given, but sometimes it seems that once they see it, the appetite is gone and they don't really need to see any more of it. Part of the original LEGO Movie success may have been the novelty of the concept. Now that the novelty has warn off, the sequel is less interesting.

In only one of these things had been a problem, The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part likely would have been able to overcome and put up the $50 million or more it was expected to do. However, when each of these problems combines into what essentially became a "meh" movie launch, you're going to get "meh" box office numbers as a result.

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James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad

James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad

Within the span of eight months, James Gunn was fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and then rehired onto the threeequel. During that span of time, he was selected by Warner Bros to write and direct The Suicide Squad, and even now that hes back on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Gun will still be overseeing Task Force Xs next cinematic adventure.

While were still a ways from seeing James Gunns take on the Suicide Squad in the DC Extended Universe, apparently he didnt suffer from writers block when penning the story, calling it one of his best writing experiences in a while. In Gunns words:

The Suicide Squad, it just instantly started flowing. I dont think Ive had as much fun writing a script since maybe Dawn of the Dead. Thats what this whole movie has been like.

Just so were all on the same page, the Dawn of the Dead remake came out in 2004, and James Gunn wrote the script the year prior. So The Suicide Squad marks the most fun hes had writing a script in over a decade and a half! That ideally bodes well for The Suicide Squads quality, though understandably, Gunn did not provide any specifics on what to expect from the movie while speaking with Deadline.

While 2016s Suicide Squad, which was written and directed by Furys David Ayer, was unquestionably a commercial success, making nearly $747 million worldwide, it didnt fare well on the critical side of the spectrum. With Ayer initially stepping away from directing Suicide Squad 2 to helm Gotham City Sirens (hes since kept busy with Bright, its upcoming sequel and The Tax Collector), that opened the door for a new creative mind to put their own stamp on the Suicide Squad mythology, a doorway which James Gunn stepped through once his time at Marvel Studios looked like it was done for good.

Although it was initially described as a g The Suicide Squad will have ties to its predecessor, as evidenced by the return of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. That said, rather than being a traditional sequel, The Suicide Squad is being framed as more of a relaunch, which undoubtedly allowed James Gunn more creative freedom.

One of the ways The Suicide Squad will distinguish itself is by featuring a lot of new faces. Idris Elba will play someone whos not Deadshot, David Dastamalchian will play Polka-Dot Man and Daniela Melchior will play Ratcatcher, while John Cena is in talks to play Peacemaker. King Shark will also reportedly be a member of this new Suicide Squad, although Michael Rooker has denied that he will voice the character.

The Suicide Squad charges into theaters on August 5, 2021, and production is slated to begin this fall. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for updates on its progression, and dont forget to look through our DC movies guide to learn what else the DCEU has coming up.

Holy Poach, Batman: James Gunn, director of Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" films, is in talks to write "Suicide Squad 2" for DC with an eye toward direct the next installment, three
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Within the span of eight months, James Gunn was fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and then rehired onto the threeequel. During that span of time, he was selected by Warner Bros to write and direct The Suicide Squad, and even now that he's back on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Gun will still be overseeing Task Force X's next cinematic adventure.
TV Series News - James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing

Ideally this bodes well for The Suicide Squad's quality. Source link. Monday, June 10 2019. James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad.
James Gunn talks the 'fun' of writing The Suicide Squad

And then I had to go tell Kevin Feige I had just decided to do The Suicide Squad, so that made me very I was writing Suicide Squad "I'd hire James Gunn right now." At the same time

James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad

James Gunn's The Suicide Squad is going to be a full reboot. DCEU producer Peter Safran broke the news when talking about the upcoming release of Shazam! This isn't entirely a shock since Gunn is
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Being Rehired To Helm GOTG Vol. 3 Apparently, Gunn was just about to begin mapping out The Suicide Squad with WB when Disney's Alan Horn - who James had always admired and respected - asked him to
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TV Series News - James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad 3 weeks ago admin
James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad

Writing The Suicide Squad and being given a blank canvas has obviously been a lot of fun for James Gunn. The director has slowly started getting back into the world of social media and teasing DC
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And that's where The Suicide Squad came in. Speaking of the film, Gunn said, "The Suicide Squad, it just instantly started flowing. I don't think I've had as much fun writing a script
Why James Gunn Said Yes to Doing The Suicide Squad

Just so we're all on the same page, the Dawn of the Dead remake came out in 2004, and James Gunn wrote the script the year prior. So The Suicide Squad marks the most fun he's had writing a
James Gunn Had A Really Good Time Writing The Suicide Squad

When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

Denis Villeneuve first Dune movie has its first (and hopefully final) release date: November 20, 2020.

The Oscar-nominated Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 director is putting together the ultimate star-studded cast for his adaptation of Frank Herbert's 1965 novel. Denis Villeneuve has plans for more than one movie, but the first one has to do well -- at least better than the 1984 movie, which only made about $31 million off a $40 million budget.

Dune will also open in IMAX and 3D on November 20, The Hollywood Reporter shared. It has every chance of being a visual masterpiece, considering the director and the material.

Dune is expected to start filming this spring, including locations in Jordan and Budapest. So far, the growing cast is reported to include Timothe Chalamet as Paul Atreides; Rebecca Ferguson as Jessica Atreides; Oscar Isaac as Duke Leto; Zendaya as Chani; Javier Bardem as Stilgar; Josh Brolin as Gurney Halleck; Dave Bautista as Glossu Rabban; Stellan Skarsgrd as Vladimir Harkonnen; Charlotte Rampling as Reverend Mother Mohiam; and Jason Momoa recently in talks to play Duncan Idaho.

Last year, Denis Villeneuve had said Dune would probably take two years to make, and his goal was to make two films, "maybe more."

Early last year, at the Cannes Film Festival, Denis Villeneuve gave an update on his plans for multiple movies:

Eric Roth wrote the first draft and I worked on my side afterward. I have not had such fun on the creative side since Incendies! My wish would have been to make both films at the same time but it will be too expensive. We will do them one at a time.

He also shared this interesting tease that his Dune would be "Star Wars for adults":

Most of the main ideas of Star Wars are coming from Dune so it's going to be a challenge to [tackle] this. The ambition is to do the Star Wars movie I never saw. In a way, it's Star Wars for adults. We'll see.

(Is Star Wars not already for adults? Never mind.)

Dune is just the latest movie to get a release date this week, closely following the rescheduled dates for Bond 25 and Fast and Furious 9.

At the moment, Dune may have November 20, 2020 to itself. Fantastic Beasts 3 was going to open that date, and so far Warner Bros. has yet to officially say anything, but with production moving back several months due to the movie being twice the size of the first two films, I'm thinking there's no way Fantastic Beasts 3 opens in 2020. Pencil it in for 2021.

As we wait to see who is next to join the amazing Dune cast, keep an eye on our 2019 movie release date schedule to what's coming to theaters this year.

Denis Villeneuve first Dune movie has its first (and hopefully final) release date: November 20, 2020. The Oscar-nominated Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 director is putting together the ultimate star-studded cast for his adaptation of Frank Herbert's 1965 novel.
Denis Villeneuve's 'Dune' reboot set for November 2020 release

Denis Villeneuve has provided a few details about what to expect from his version of Dune, such as how the events of the first Dune novel will be told over two movies, but now the cast is also slowly coming together. It remains to be seen when the Dune reboot will be released, but for now, here are the actors who are headlining the project.

When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released 4 months ago Denis Villeneuve first Dune movie has its first (and hopefully final) release date: November 20, 2020.
When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released Movies February 17, 2019 No Comments Denis Villeneuve first Dune movie has its first (and hopefully final) release date: November 20, 2020.
When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

Share this: 3 hours ago Denis Villeneuve first Dune movie has its first (and hopefully final) release date: November 20, 2020. The Oscar-nominated Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 director is putting together the ultimate star-studded cast for his adaptation of Frank Herbert's 1965 novel.
When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

Dune is just the latest movie to get a release date this week, closely following the rescheduled dates for Bond 25 and Fast and Furious 9. At the moment, Dune may have November 20, 2020 to itself.
When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

Denis Villeneuve's 'Dune' Gets November 2020 Release Date The success of the Dune reboot will not hinge on the quality of the acting. Warner Bros. has scheduled Legendary's science
Denis Villeneuve's Dune Getting November 2020 Release

Home 2019 February 16 When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released feel free to call us +646-389-3981 info@mmnofa.com admin , February 16, 2019 February 16, 2019 , Entertainment , 0
Denis Villeneuve's 'Dune' Gets November 2020 Release Date

Related: Kyle MacLachlan Enthusiastic About Dune Reboot The news was shared by THR , which confirms Dune 's release date is officially November 20, 2020. The film will open in IMAX and 3D, so audiences will be able to experience Villeneuve's latest work in the biggest format possible.
Denis Villeneuve's Dune, An Updated Cast List

Warner Bros. has set a release date of November 20, 2020 for Legendary and Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of Frank Herbert's storied sci-fi novel, Dune. The synopsis on the back of the novel reads, "Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, who would become
When Denis Villeneuve's Dune Reboot Will Be Released

Elton John Keeps Sending Taron Egerton Rocketman Reviews

Elton John Keeps Sending Taron Egerton Rocketman Reviews

Biopics are a tried and true genre in filmmaking, and there are no shortage of interesting real-life figures to adapt for the big screen. Last year was a big one for biopics, as the Freddie Mercury musical blockbuster Bohemian Rhapsody cleaned up at the box office and accrued countless awards and nominations. But there's already another musical biopic on the way, as Rocketman will bring the gritty and magical world of Elton John's history to the silver screen.

Elton John himself is intimately involved in Rocketman, insisting that the darkness and mistakes in his life are vital to the story. Kingsman favorite Taron Egerton is playing the legendary singer in the biopic, and seems to have formed quit the bond with John throughout the process. And it turns out that Elton John has a penchant for sending Egerton Rocketman reviews to the 29 year-old actor. As he recently revealed:

I try to avoid reviews but Elton sends me them every day. I mean, hes vetting my reviews. Im sure there are bad ones that hes not sending.

Taron Egerton may largely avoid reviews, but you can't ignore then when they're being sent by Elton John himself. Of course, the pop icon likely wasn't bringing the bad ones to the actor's attention. So Egerton should be safe from seeing anything he'd rather avoid.

The news about Elton John's relationship with Rocketman reviews come from Taron Egerton's recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! While promoting the upcoming movie musical, Egerton spoke about his relationship to the real-life figure he's portraying. John's partner David Furnish is a producer on the project, so Rocketman should be an intimate look into his life and career. Warts and all.

In addition to portraying Elton John in Rocketman, Taron Egerton will also be belting out select choices from the singer's massive catalogue. It's his voice that seems to have truly captured John's attention, and the two have already done a few duets ahead of the biopics's release. Their bond is strong enough that they have private conversation-- many of which revolving around the early reviews for their collaboration.

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Early reception for Rocketman has been pretty positive. The movie has been praised for its over the top cinematography and movie magic, as well as Taron Egerton's performance as Elton John. But official reviews aren't up, so we'll have to wait and see if the critical community agrees.

You can see Taron Egerton's conversation with Jimmy Kimmel below.

When Rocketman is finally released, it will likely be compared quite a bit with Bohemian Rhapsody. In fact, Rocketman director Dexter Fletcher actually stepped in to complete Bohemian Rhapsody after Bryan Singer departed the project. Now he's working on another musical biopic, and this time the star is actually singing the songs himself-- unlike Rami Malek's performance as Freddie Mercury.

Rocketman will arrive in theaters on May 31st. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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