Why Avengers: Infinity War Shouldn't Be Viewed As Half A Movie

Why Avengers: Infinity War Shouldn't Be Viewed As Half A Movie

The following contains spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. You have been warned.

When Avengers: Infinity War was first announced, it was presented as one story broken over two movies. The third and fourth Avengers movies were even to have Part I and Part II in the titles. However, as time went on, Marvel began to seriously downplay this idea, before eventually refuting it entirely, claiming instead that while the two films would certainly be connected, they were separate entities. Now that we've seen Avengers: Infinity War, there are many who feel that, just as the original titles indicated, we only got half the story. However, that isn't really the case. Avengers: Infinity War isn't half a movie, it's a complete story. It just has another story to tell next year.

To be clear, Avengers: Infinity War absolutely ends with plot threats left free and fans dying to know what happens next, but that's simply not the same thing as cutting a movie in half. Today, with movie franchises being the order of the day, that's standard practice. Even before the current influx of franchise-focused movie making, sequels happened and often they were set up in advance. Even if the MCU wasn't planned out for years, it would have been clear to anybody watching Captain America: Civil War or Thor: Ragnarok that there was going to be another chapter following what we saw there. Certainly, the implosion of the Avengers or the destruction of Asgard wasn't the end of the story. We knew that Loki's impersonation of Odin in Thor: The Dark World would be dealt with at some point in the future. There was clearly more to come, but nobody accused these movies of being incomplete.

Nobody would claim Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was half a movie, and that's probably the closest analogy to what we got with Avengers: Infinity War. In both cases we've seen our heroes be essentially defeated, some characters are taken out of the game, and we have little idea what they'll do to come back. But we still know they will be back. There was no question at the end of The Empire Strikes Back that we'd get The Return of the Jedi. Just because most in the pre-internet audience didn't know the release date, and it hadn't yet been filmed, as Avengers 4 has, didn't change that.

It's true that for a lot of favorite characters, things are less than clear. Those that are still with us now sit frozen in time as we wait a year to see what they do next, while others, for all intents and purposes, are dead. The thing is, that doesn't really matter for the story that Infinity War is telling, because the movie isn't about them.

Avengers: Infinity War is a complete movie because it tells a story from beginning to end -- the story of Thanos. We follow Thanos (Josh Brolin) on his quest to obtain the Infinity Stones and use them toward his goal of universal "balance." The movie ends when it does because that story is now over. Thanos has achieved the goal and, as the final shot of the film shows us, he's done. We assume the remaining Avengers will be coming after him, and the Infinity Stones eventually, but he doesn't. He believes he's won. It's over.

The ending isn't even a cliffhanger. The damage has been done. Certainly, we'll have questions over the next 12 months as we wonder what will happen next. We had the same questions about how Han Solo would be released from carbonite. It wasn't even a question of "if," but "how" -- and we're asking the same question here.

When Avengers: Infinity War is compared to something like the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movies, which were broken into clear and distinct parts, it's obvious what half a movie looks like. The first part, not unlike Infinity War focuses on a villain trying to collect objects of power, and the heroes trying to stop him. However, in the case of Harry Potter, Voldemort doesn't even obtain all the Deathly Hallows before the end of Part One. Those two movies are truly designed as two halves of a complete tale. You could watch them without interruption and they would fit together nearly seamlessly. Infinity War has a clear break. There will almost certainly be a jump forward in time between Infinity War and Avengers 4, it may not be a great one, but with the damage done there is no sense of urgency that you get with a cliffhanger ending. To be blunt, nobody is going to get any deader while the Avengers try to figure out what to do next. There's no reason for the movie to pick up right where it left off.

Avengers: Infinity War leaves a lot of questions, but it's supposed to. There is absolutely another story to tell, but the Infinity War is over. Thanos won.

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Billie Lourd Shares Adorable Photo With Carrie Fisher For Star Wars Day

Billie Lourd Shares Adorable Photo With Carrie Fisher For Star Wars Day

In case you missed it, yesterday was Star Wars Day, and the entire world got in on the celebration. Though it was a joyous occasion for self-respecting Star Wars geeks around the globe, it was also a time to look back and remember members of the Star Wars family who have left us in recent years. Specifically, Billie Lourd took to social media and shared a photo with her mother, the late Carrie Fisher, on the set of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and it was absolutely heartwarming. Check out the photo, below.

In all honesty, that pretty much captures everything that fans have come to know and love about Carrie Fisher's public persona. Brash, fun, and downright quirky, the Princess/General Leia actress became as widely beloved for her off-screen antics as she was for her portrayal of the legendary Star Wars heroine. That picture seems to show Billie Lourd and Carrie Fisher messing around between takes on the set of Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and it definitively serves as a firm reminder that we lost a valued member of the Star Wars family when Fisher passed away in 2016.

Of course, there's another element of Carrie Fisher's legacy that isn't necessarily addressed by that Instagram post. The Star Wars _franchise is generally moving in a new direction that will hand over the hero responsibilities to a younger regeneration of character, but the saga is doing it in a slow and steady fashion. The Force Awakens phased out Han Solo, and _The Last Jedi phased out Luke Skywalker, but Leia is still part of the overarching story of this current trilogy. At this stage, we still have no idea what the Star Wars franchise will do to work around the untimely loss of Ms. Fisher (whether that may involve writing her out of the story, recasting her, or digitally replacing her), but it looks like that's one of those sad-but-important conversations that will need to take place over the course of the next year.

Of course, for now, the focus has shifted away from Leia and moved to the love of her life. The next project on the Star Wars docket is Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story, which will take audiences back in time to flesh out the earlier years of the smuggler's life.

For all of you Star Wars fans out there who are looking ahead to the future of the franchise, make sure to keep an eye out for all of CinemaBlend's in-depth coverage of Solo: A Star Wars Story as we close in on the film's May 25 release date. Beyond that, the main Star Wars saga will continue next year when J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode IX premieres on December 20, 2019.

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A post shared by Billie Lourd (@praisethelourd) on

May the force be with you, Carrie Fisher. On Saturday, May 4th, Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd paid tribute to her late mother with an Instagram post on what many fans have dubbed "Star Wars
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Honoree Carrie Fisher attends the US-Ireland Aliiance's Oscar Wilde Awards event on February 19, 2015 in Santa Monica, California. Billie Lourd shares photo of mom Carrie Fisher, honoring 'Star

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How Shazam!'s CinemaScore Compares To Other DCEU Movies

How Shazam!'s CinemaScore Compares To Other DCEU Movies

Happy Shazam! weekend, everybody. Zachary Levi's superhero movie can stand on its own, but technically it is the seventh movie in the DC Extended Universe. When you're in a "universe," you get compared to your predecessors and successors. That's true for box office -- and we'll get those opening weekend numbers tomorrow (Sunday 4/7) -- but also for critical and fan reactions. One metric I'm always curious to see is the CinemaScore, since it polls moviegoers on opening night.

If you see a movie opening night, you're usually pretty eager for it, which can lend itself to a more positive-than-usual reaction -- unless you're disappointed, and then the fall from high expectations can be rough. The new April 5th movies now have fresh CinemaScores out -- and while Pet Sematary is sitting with a disappointing C+, Shazam! is enjoying an A.

That A for Shazam! sits next to its 92% Rotten Tomatoes score from 257 reviews from critics, and a 90% audience score from 2,429 user ratings.

Sticking with CinemaScores, let's see how Shazam! compares to the other DCEU movies, listed in order of release:

Man of Steel (2013) - CinemaScore: A-Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) - Cinemascore: BSuicide Squad (2016) - CinemaScore: B+Wonder Woman (2017) - CinemaScore: AJustice League (2017) - CinemaScore: B+Aquaman (2018) - CinemaScore: A-Shazam! (2019) - CinemaScore: A

Are you surprised that Shazam! and Wonder Woman both got the top A grades? Not surprised at all? Aquaman and Man of Steel tied, any surprises there? That one does kind of surprise me. The box office certainly preferred Aquaman, but opening night moviegoers were just as fond of Henry Cavill's debut as Superman.

Batman v Superman got the lowest score with a B, which isn't that low, except it is pretty low for opening night superheroes. That was probably an expectation fall -- people walking in with high hopes and then not quite getting what they wanted. Again, though, this is just a selection of polled fans who saw the movies opening night. They may not be DC superfans, they could've just been excited for that weekend's new blockbuster. Justice League got a B+, despite the continued debate over Zack Snyder's vision as director before Joss Whedon showed up for reshoots.

Feel free to look up any other movies you want to use for comparison -- if you want to stay in the DC Comics world, Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy movies all got As. In the Marvel Comics world, Captain Marvel has an A, Avengers: Infinity War also got an A. Marvel's The Avengers actually got an A+ back in 2012. That might've been another expectation reaction -- not expecting that much and being completely wowed. (I bet the shawarma scene nailed it.)

Shazam! is in a unique position in that it does feel like its own thing, with just a few connections to the larger DC world. However, it seems like just the latest win following the billion dollar success of Aquaman. It may not make that kind of money, but it's already beating expectations at the box office.

Next up we have Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 1984 in 2020, followed by The Batman and The Suicide Squad in 2021, and then ... maybe The Flash movie? ... and then probably Aquaman 2, plus the million other movies in development that will have to fight their way to the top.

Shazam! is now in theaters. What would you grade it? Vote below...

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