New John Wick 3 Trailer Has Halle Berry's Dogs Going For The Crotch

New John Wick 3 Trailer Has Halle Berry's Dogs Going For The Crotch

John Wick is a man with a price on his head and a lot of people looking to collect it. That's the basic set up of John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum. A brand new trailer dropped today which has given us a better look at what's in store for our favorite assassin, as well as a first look at several new characters, and a few old friends, who will be joining this adventure. Also, we get to see some dogs who are going to totally tear some shit up, which is always fun. Check it out.

At the end of John Wick: Chapter 2 Wick had broken the rules of the Continental and thus ran afoul of the entire organization of assassins that worked within it. Now, everybody is out to get him.

We see John Wick going to a woman named Sofia, played by Halle Berry, for help. She's clearly not happy to see him as the first thing she does is shoot him herself. In the end, she seems to agree to help him, but not out of the goodness of her heart. She's not happy about it. As with all aspects of the John Wick franchise, there's history here. However, she does appear to send her dogs after a couple of hired guns, and one of them, if he survives, is likely to wish he was dead, based on where it looks like the dog is about to bite.

We get to see old friends like Ian McShane's character, who seems to be willing to help John Wick here, even though were told at the end of the last film that all Continental services would be off limits to Wick. We also see the return of Lawrence Fishburn's character from the last movie.

In addition to Halle Berry's character, we also see a couple of new antagonists who will be gunning for John Wick. Asia Kate Dillon plays an assassin known as The Adjudicator and Mark Dacascos plays a John Wick fan called Zero who is now on the hunt to kill him.

Needless to say, if you've been a fan of the previous John Wick movies, and if you haven't been, what's wrong with you, then it looks like John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is going to have everything you could possibly want. And by "everything" I mean lots of beautifully choreographed action scenes involving guns, lots of guns.

In addition to the new trailer, an entire collection of new character posters were released showing off everybody of importance in the new film. Each one uses the tagline "Tick Tock Mr. Wick" implying that time is against our hero. However, Jason Mantzoukas is also playing a character called the Tick Tock Man. As he wasn't in the trailer, we know very little about him. Check out all the posters in the gallery below.

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The Russo Brothers Say Avengers 4's Title Should Scare Us

The Russo Brothers Say Avengers 4's Title Should Scare Us

Although Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 are no longer being labeled as two halves of the same story, the movies are still closely connected enough that even with a little over a year to go until its release, Marvel is keeping quiet about what Avengers 4 is being officially called. The general consensus regarding the secrecy is that Avengers 4's title would spoil something huge that happens in Infinity War, and directors Joe and Anthony Russo have seemingly confirmed this by saying the title for Phase Three's final movie should scare us.

After a Marvel fan on Twitter speculated that the fact of the Russos hiding Avengers 4 title because it spoils Avengers: Infinity War "scared the shit" out of him, the Russos responded, "It should." Just two simple words, and yet is has us even more intrigued to learn what this movie is called. Even just looking at the names of Marvel Comics books and storylines, there are plenty of options that could work, from Avengers: Disassembled to Avengers: The Infinity Crusade to Avengers: Illuminati. That being said, my personal favorite is a fan suggestion under the Russos' tweet: Avengers 4: Everyone But Hawkeye Is Dead. Look, after being absent from the Infinity War marketing, how great would it be if at the start of Avengers 4, Clint Barton is the only one who survived Thanos' rampage.

So far the only major pieces of official news regarding Avengers 4 is that Brie Larson will reprise Carol Danvers following her debut in Captain Marvel a few months earlier, and this movie will likely be the last time that we see Chris Evans play Steve Rogers. Unofficially, however, there have been a scattering of reports and rumors related to the story, from Black Widow battling the Yakuza to Clint Barton reportedly taking on the Ronin guise. Set photos have also popped up showing that the movie will be revisiting key moments in the MCU's past, and while I originally suspected that this might mean time travel is in the mix (after all, there is an Infinity Stone that can manipulate time), Joe and Anthony Russo have hinted that this will actually be accomplished through Tony Stark's BARF technology.

With Avengers 4 marking not only the end of the MCU's Phase Three, but also wrapping up numerous plot threads that have been seeded throughout this franchise since its inception, Avengers 4 could ultimately be a bigger event than Avengers: Infinity War. As for when we'll learn Avengers 4's official title, Joe Russo said they would wait until people "have absorbed the first movie enough." That could just mean the title announcement will arrive a few weeks after Infinity War's release, but I wonder if we might have to wait even longer, and it will end up being one of the big reveals at this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

Avengers 4 will be released in theaters on May 3, 2019, but after Avengers: Infinity War drops on April 27, at least we'll have a better idea of what's in store for its follow-up. As for what else the MCU has in development, head to our Marvel movies guide.

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Why Steve Buscemi Was Originally Going To Pass On The Big Lebowski

Why Steve Buscemi Was Originally Going To Pass On The Big Lebowski

No one is a bigger punching bag in The Big Lebowski than Steve Buscemi's Donny. Sure The Dude goes through a lot more trouble in the movie, but Donnie spends the majority of his screen time being told by John Goodman's Walter to "Shut the fuck up," and by the end, he suffers a fatal heart attack. Initially Buscemi was going to turn down playing Donny because of how much the character was bullied, but then he changed his mind once he read The Big Lebowski's ending. As Buscemi recalled:

I have to say, when I was reading the part of Donny, I didn't get it. I felt bad for the guy. I felt sad. I thought, 'Why does Walter bully him all the time?' And as I'm reading it, I thought, 'How am I going to tell Joel and Ethan I don't want to do this?' Then I got to Donny's last scene, and I saw the relationship. I saw how much Walter really loves Donnie and how they're like brothers. And I found it very moving.

I can understand where Steve Buscemi's coming from. As you're watching The Big Lebowski, you can't help but wonder why Donny is put through so much grief for just asking questions or chiming into conversation. Granted, the Coen brothers have previously revealed this is a reference to Buscemi's role in Fargo, where Carl Showalter is quite the chatterbox, but still, one couldn't blame the actor for not being on board with this particular character.

However, as Steve Buscemi continued in his interview with Today alongside Jeff Bridges and John Goodman for The Big Lebowski's 20th anniversary, once he read how Walter reacted to Donny dying after their confrontation with the nihilists outside the bowling alley, then he changed his mind. Walter has a horrible way of showing love, but he nonetheless cares about his bowling buddy. That was what ultimately led to Buscemi deciding that this was a movie worth joining.

Of course, Donny's demise arguably leads to The Big Lebowski's final punchline, as when The Dude and Walter go to spread Donny's ashes on the coast, not only does Walter use it as an opportunity to talk about the Vietnam War, but then the wind blows Donny's ashes straight into The Dude's face. So yeah, Donny definitely doesn't get any respect in The Big Lebowski, but without him, the movie just wouldn't feel complete.

The Big Lebowski marked Steve Buscemi's fifth collaboration with the Coen brothers, the earlier ones being Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy and, as mentioned earlier, Fargo. Buscemi reunited with the duo for their portion of the 2006 anthology film Paris, je t'aime, but he has yet to star in another of their full-length features. Since neither he nor the Coen brothers' careers are slowing down, maybe another opportunity to team up again will eventually present itself.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for all the latest movie news. The Coen brothers' next movie, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, hits Netflix on November 16, and if you're curious about what's heading to theaters over the next year, you can find that information in our 2018 and 2019 release schedules.

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