7 Moments From The Sonic The Hedgehog Trailer That Had Us Saying 'What?'

7 Moments From The Sonic The Hedgehog Trailer That Had Us Saying 'What?'

The first trailer for Sonic The Hedgehog has arrived, and long-time fans and the general public at large are a bit confused. That's understandable given the sheer amount of things that happen that are both foreign to those who played the video games and those who are experiencing the blue hedgehog for the first time. To highlight a lot of those confusing moments, here's a breakdown of the moments from the Sonic trailer that had me saying "what?"

Sonic The Hedgehog Is Fast, But Not As Fast As He Should BeThe trailer opens with officer Tom Wachowski hiding in a speed trap, hoping to pull over inattentive drivers going over the speed limit. Instead, he clocks Sonic The Hedgehog, who blazes by at 760 miles per hour. His immense speed causes a minor break in the sound barrier, which is actually weird considering he's going seven miles per hour under that threshold.

Now, no one is stating this is Sonic's top speed quite yet, but it's worth mentioning past video games have brought up that he is much faster than the speed of sound. Some games have alleged he'll travel at speeds exceeding 1,000 MPH, while others say exceeding 2,000 MPH is no problem. Is this a nitpicky issue? Absolutely, but it's still weird to highlight a character's immense speed by showing him traveling just under a speed record that's been broken.

Sonic's Electric QuillsSonic The Hedgehog introduced many elements to the franchise that aren't in the video games, but none were more glaring than his electric fur. Sonic conducting electricity isn't a power he's typically capable of, nor is it the source of his super speed. In SEGA canon, his power shoes are actually the source of the speed, which doesn't seem to be the case here due to all those worn out sneakers in his den.

More likely than not, the electricity is a way of introducing that Sonic's power can be examined and replicated by Dr. Robotnik. It's a bit silly considering the character's original canon already established Robotnik was a scientist who gave Sonic his shoes. It seems these two aren't familiar with each other from the sound of the trailer. Why mix things up?

Jim Carrey's Bizarre Portrayal Of Dr. RobotnikAt first, Jim Carrey seemed like the perfect actor to portray Dr. Robotnik. The character's over the top bravado and intensity seemed perfect for the man who brought that to the Grinch, and yet, the trailer footage doesn't show that. Instead, we're given a more Ace Ventura-type performance which, while still funny, isn't exactly the type of villain Robotnik is.

Of course, there's a chance this all gets turned around by the end of the movie, as the final seconds show Carrey's character looking a lot more like the Dr. Robotnik folks are familiar with. One would assume this happens near the end of the movie, but with the implication that Sonic is from another world, perhaps this is another Robotnik entirely.

The Trailer's Song ChoiceIn what may be the most baffling decision made for this trailer, the entire thing rolls along while Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise" plays in the background. There's a reason why that song hasn't been used in a lot of movies since Dangerous Minds, because one would assume, there's very little that it goes to. Sonic The Hedgehog is no exception, as the iconic hip-hop track just feels like a bad song choice.

The logic, I'm assuming, is that the trailer team wanted to choose a song that invoked '90s nostalgia. Hilariously enough, "Gangsta's Paradise" was released a year after Sonic The Hedgehog 3, so it doesn't even have any real significance to the character. That is, unless it was meant as a subtle nod to the spinoff game Knuckles' Chaotix, which is doubtful.

Sonic The Hedgehog's Unsettling Human TeethFans have had a lot to say about Sonic The Hedgehog's appearance, as the new look is a radical departure from the various designs of the character over the years. In those designs, he's always had an astonishing set of teeth, despite the fact that hedgehogs typically have teeth similar to dogs, but this franchise was never about realism.

Sonic's teeth might actually be the most accurate thing about his portrayal, so then why is it so damn weird to look at? Perhaps it's because he's proportioned like a human child, yet has a massive head and adult teeth? I can't put my finger on it, which has me questioning so many other things about the design.

Sonic The Hedgehog Is An Alien?Did anyone else catch that line when Sonic told James Marsden's character he's there to save "your planet"? He meant what he said, as we've known for a while that Sonic is not of this Earth, which could very well mean he's not technically a hedgehog either.

Which might be the most ridiculous part of this entire movie if true. Retconning Sonic's hedgehog origins to make him an alien is a sin even the most casual viewer may not forgive. You know, because this movie is literally called Sonic The Hedgehog. Sure, he doesn't actually look like a hedgehog, but Robotnik isn't literally a robot and they had him act like he was one, so if this is retconned, people really have their priorities twisted.

Sonic's Rings Work Like Doctor Strange's Magic?In one of the more bizarre parts of the preview, a ring appears in which Sonic throws to send his friends to what looks like another location. It's weird, and almost feels like a direct lift from Doctor Strange. Are the rings some type of alien tech that allows him to teleport to various places?

That's not how they are in the games, with one glaring exception. Sonic does have the ability to jump inside a giant ring. which transports him to another world where he can collect more rings. That doesn't appear to be what's happening here, but it's not difficult to understand where the premise came from, and perhaps a little unfair to say it's a straight mimic of Doctor Strange. Still, he also uses rings to stay alive, so where are those?

Do you have a moment from the Sonic The Hedgehog trailer that stuck out as weird? Feel free to share in the comments below and stick with CinemaBlend for more entertainment news in movies, television, and pop culture.

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Wonder Woman 1984 Reveals First Look At Pedro Pascal's New Character

Wonder Woman 1984 Reveals First Look At Pedro Pascal's New Character

Just like Wonder Woman did following Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman 1984 is winding the clock back following Diana of Themyscira's time with Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg in Justice League. Where Wonder Woman saw Diana venturing into man's world for the first time in World War I, Wonder Woman 1984 will show us what the superheroine was up to in... well, you can guess what year. Among the newcomers in the sequel is Narcos actor Pedro Pascal, and while his character hasn't been identified yet, you can check out the first look at him below.

Whoever Pedro Pascal is playing in Wonder Woman 1984, clearly he's a man of means, as evidenced by that suit, the car and the Wall Street vibe he's giving off. This image, provided by director Patty Jenkins on Twitter, is also presented on a TV screen, which not only suggests that this man is famous as well as rich, but also calls back to the previously released image of Gal Gadot's Diana gazing at TV screens. Fun fact, Wonder Woman 1984 won't be the first time Pascal has acted in something Wonder Woman-related, as he also played Ed Indelicato in the unaired Wonder Woman NBC pilot.

When it was reported that Pedro Pascal was joining Wonder Woman 1984, all that was said was that this would be a "key role." With this image, now fans can start to narrow down the possibilities about who the actor might be playing. Personally, I'm thinking this is Maxwell Lord, who was last portrayed in live action by Peter Facinelli on Supergirl and was going to be the main antagonist in George Miller's Justice League: Mortal. In the comics, Lord was originally best known for bankrolling and co-founding the Justice League International, but as time passed, Lord shifted from a businessman with questionable methods to an outright super villain who eventually gained mind control powers. In the Identity Crisis event, Wonder Woman was forced to kill Lord so she could free Superman from Lord's control. Since Pescal's Wonder Woman 1984 character appears to be wealthy, Lord would be a good fit.

However, with Wonder Woman's history also being filled with magic and mythology, we can't rule out that Pedro Pascal's character is more than just a mere mortal. Some fans are already wondering if he's playing Felix Faust, one of the most well-known magical antagonists in the DC universe. Other possibilities include one of the Olympian Gods who survived Ares' slaughter, as well as Glorious Godfrey, one of Darkseid's minions who assumed the G. Gordon Godfrey identity on Earth and began a hate campaign against superheroes. This latter option might especially hold some weight, given that this Pascal picture indicates his character gets a fair amount of TV coverage.

Along with Gal Gadot and Pedro Pascal, Wonder Woman 1984's cast includes Chris Pine reprising Steve Trevor, Kristen Wiig as Barbra Ann Minvera (a.k.a. Cheetah), Natasha Rothwell, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde. The sequel hits theaters on November 1, 2019.

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